52: Social Media Talks With the Business Geeks

Social media is one of the most popular ways to communicate with friends, family, and followers. It can also be a great way to stay connected with what’s happening in the world. While social media is often associated with younger generations, it can be used by people of all ages to connect and share information. 

In fact, it has become a norm to see people of all ages using social media. Whether it be a toddler tapping on an iPad or a retiree scrolling through their Facebook feed, social media is something that has become ubiquitous in our society. 

In this episode, we talk about the different social media platforms and how it has become a haven for people of all ages. We specifically give emphasis on why Facebook will not go anywhere soon and why TikTok is the next big thing.

What To Listen For:

  • Increasing YouTube followers (06:15)
  • Hitting a million views in YouTube (10:43)
  • Why every person should take time to rest (11:50)
  • What is creative rest and how can it help (14:00)
  • The culture of a person and their relationship to work and entrepreneurship (19:00)
  • Why older people should not be treated differently in terms of technology (28:00)
  • Why Facebook is still relevant today (32:00)
  • What’s exciting about TikTok, according to Jen (35:30)
  • Why Instagram isn’t as impressive as Facebook and TikTok (37:30)

What’s Grinding Our Gears
Joe: Facebook is for old people. (27:00)

Sources Mentioned

Check-In With The Geeks

Catch us live each week on Monday 4:00pm EST / Tuesday 8:00am AEST at the Business Geeks Podcast page on Facebook.

Submit your question to the geeks at questions@businessgeekspodcast.com to have your question answered live on the show. Be sure to include your business name for a free shoutout.

Find Samantha at SamanthaRiley.global

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Find Jennifer at Sparent.co

Find Joe at SuperJoePardo.com

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