038: The Employee Mindset vs The CEO Mindset

Did you know that most businesses fail because of the entrepreneur having the wrong mindset? 

In order for your business to grow and scale, switching from a worker bee to boss mode is essential. 

In this episode, we nerd out about the differences between the employee mindset and the CEO mindset and how you can get your mindset straight in order to grow your business. 

The major difference between having a CEO mindset and an employee mindset is the vision. CEO’s don’t get stuck on the day-to-day grind but look at the long-term vision. A CEO’s role is to create the company’s mission and vision and to create its growth strategy. 

Are you holding your business back with an employee mindset or are you pushing ahead with a CEO mindset?

What To Listen For:

    • Wearing all the hats as a business owner (6:05)
    • Embracing the role as visionary (6:46)
    • Working hard on the wrong things (6:55)
    • Working only on the things you should be working on  (7:12)
    • Having the CEO mindset from day 1 (7:46)
    • Thinking of your team as an asset (9:19)
    • 92% of businesses fail within 10 years (13:44)
    • The importance of delegation (14:03)
    • What is a CEO and what is their role? (17:35)
    • The number one question to ask yourself if you are wearing the CEO hat (18:50)
    • Asking the wrong questions (20:18)
    • It’s okay not to have all the answers (24:13)
    • Delegating and having systems (32:12)

What’s Grinding Our Gears
Jen: The person who posts on Facebook: “If you care about XYZ then you will copy and paste this post”

Get My Lunch Money/One Cool Thing
Jen: Rowan Tree

Check-In With The Geeks

Catch us live each week on Monday 8pm EDT / Tuesday 10am AEST at the Business Geeks Podcast page on Facebook.

Submit your question to the geeks at questions@businessgeekspodcast.com to have your question answered live on the show. Be sure to include your business name for a free shoutout.

Find Samantha at SamanthaRiley.global

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Find Jennifer at Sparent.co

Find Joe at SuperJoePardo.com

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