032: How To Make The Transition From Employee To Entrepreneur

Do you have that perfect idea for a business but hesitate to make the transition from employee to entrepreneur?

Everyone has different circumstances and risk factors to consider when making that scary and life-changing transition. Some may be young with no family, others may already have children, mortgages, and bills; while others come from high-paying jobs that they consider secure sources of money. 

So, when you start your business, do you start with small steps by doing side gig jobs to make money or do you take the leap and quit your day job?

In this episode, we start our conversation by sharing how our entrepreneurial stories began. We also share our thoughts about this pivotal question that people who want to go from an employee to entrepreneur have to answer. 

What To Listen For:

  • Some updates on our events (00:58)
  • Stories of transitioning from employee to entrepreneur (09:37)
  • Don’t quit your day job (17:04)
  • The story behind the topic (17:34)
  • Why going all in may not be the best strategy for you (18:15)
  • Shift your mindset about your full time job (28:04)
  • 3 mistakes people make that stop them from starting their business (32:09)
  • Stress from an unhealthy work environment (38:09)
  • Know when to accelerate your business plans (39:01)
  • We will support you (40:03)
  • “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” by (41:48)

What’s grinding our gears
Jen: When you can’t find the close button for website pop-ups and when a site does not give any information unless you create an account. (42:37)

Joe: A shop recycled an iPad without getting the permission of the owner first (46:20)

Get my lunch money
Sam: Melinda Hird Photography for professional photography in Australia (51:44)
Jen: Melissa Demple for professional brand photography in Washington, DC (52:56)
Joe: Williams-Banks Photography for professional photography in Atlanta, Michelle McMahon for wedding photography in Philadelphia, Janette Pellegrini Photography for events photography in New York (54:07)

Sources Mentioned
Employee to Empowered Entrepreneur 

Check-In With The Geeks
Sales Circus, Feb 15-19, 2021
Business Success Academy launch

Check-In With The Geeks

Catch us live each week on Monday 8pm EDT / Tuesday 10am AEST at the Business Geeks Podcast page on Facebook.

Submit your question to the geeks at questions@businessgeekspodcast.com to have your question answered live on the show. Be sure to include your business name for a free shoutout.

Find Samantha at SamanthaRiley.global

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Find Jennifer at Sparent.co

Find Joe at SuperJoePardo.com

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